WCI Annual International Conference

For over a decade the WCI Annual International Conference has been a world summit focused mainly on Knowledge Cities and was named KCWS. Our current approach reaches beyond cities to regions and wider system change . This conference brings not only profile and prestige to the hosts but enables active engagement with leading global thinkers and practitioners across all aspects of knowledge-based development.

The annual summit aims to contribute to these discussions as experienced in the host city’s context. Academics, professional practitioners, civil servants and policy makers from around the world engage in discussions bringing insight from a wide range of disciplines and sharingtheir knowledge and experiences with delegates.
The summit also provides opportunities for practical learning in workshops and small group sessions in innovative formats. Summits have been held successfully across the globe for the past 16 years and are shown in the map below.

Global locations of past and upcoming
Knowledge City World Summits

For elegible candidatures: kcws@worldcaptalinstitute.org

World Capital Institute

Benefits of being a hosting city

Hosting such a summit not only enables the city to showcase its approach to building a successful knowledge city and society, butit promotes the surrounding locality as aplace which: can attract investment and talent, displays its partnerships in actionand builds its links with like-minded, aspirational cities from around the world.

Previous conferences have brought im-mediate benefits to their local hosts and attendees by highlighting, to a wider local audience, the trends emerging elsewhere in the world. Attendance by global leading thinkers can stimulate and challenge local partners and players to think differently and come together to design new strategies. Hosting the WCI Annual International Conference offers an outstanding opportunity for formal and informal networking across relevant people and partners in the locality and make new connections.

Being globally recognized, the summit and the awards offer a unique promotional opportunity for the city. In addition to the immediate benefits, hosting cities enter in a number of wider connected networks and activities through the summit:

  • The CISC (Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento) network has been integrated as a regional branch ofthe WCI.

  • The Australia-Brazil Smart City Research and Practice Network held its forum as part of the KCWS in Caxias do Sul (Brazil) in 2021.

  • Additionally, spin-off activities such as Master courses and topic focused conferences have been under taken jointly by WCI and KCWS host as follow-up activities.
Picture by Amy Bracks

WCI Annual International Conference Editions

The Knowledge Cities World Summit


WCI Annual International Conference

🇮🇹 Ragusa, Italia


16th KCWS
🇩🇪 Lake Constance | Lindau, Inselhalle


15th KCWS
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico


14th KCWS
Caxias do Sul, Brazil


13th KCWS
Tijuana, Mexico


12th KCWS
Florianopolis, Sta. Catarina, Brazil


11th KCWS
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain


10th KCWS
Arequipa, Peru


9th KCWS
Vienna, Austria


8th KCWS
Daegu, South Korea


7th KCWS
Tallinn, Estonia


6th KCWS
Istanbul, Turkey


5th KCWS
Matera, Italy


4th KCWS
B. Gonçalves, Brazil


3rd KCWS
Melbourne, Australia


3rd KCWS
Shenzhen, China


2nd KCWS
Virtual Premiere


1st KCWS
Monterrey, Mexico